Month: July 2024

Liquid Economy Leader in Digital Rights Asset

Every advancement in human economic civilization has been accompanied by strides towards fairness, equality, and benefiting the masses. With the development of free commerce, the circulation of valuable assets tends to become increasingly free, convenient, and efficient. Any action that promotes asset circulation will become a trend, representing advanced productivity.


Blockchain, with its principles of open-source data sharing, immutable content, and decentralized autonomy, has elevated the economic order and social relations of fairness, equality, and public benefit to the highest level in human history. RWA (Real-World Asset), a token issued based on blockchain technology and anchored to real-world assets, will revolutionize the quantification of valuable assets. This will enable the free circulation of assets without the need for monetary intermediaries. This intermediary-free value circulation method will become a milestone innovation in human economic development, heralding what is referred to as the Liquid Economy era.

Digital Rights Asset is committed to establishing a trusted and secure public blockchain network for the digitization, quantification, and circulation of valuable assets. This allows valuable assets to break free from the constraints of currency, enabling their free circulation without time or regional restrictions. The efficiency of asset quantification and circulation brought by Digital Rights Asset will be unprecedented, truly leading human economic development into the Liquid Economy era.

Through the public chain of Digital Rights Asset, company owners can transform their company shares into digital equity, asset owners can convert physical assets into digital property, and resource controllers can convert high-quality resources into digital debt rights. The Quantitative Asset Exchange for Digital Rights allows for the free circulation and trading of digital equity assets.

Anyone can issue digital equity assets on the public chain of Digital Rights Asset, achieving asset quantification trading and value control. As a public chain focused on asset quantification trading, its technology enables the public to issue tokens with one click, requiring no technical maintenance afterwards. People only need to authenticate and promote their assets, making it possible for everyone to participate in asset circulation.


In the past, it was difficult for ordinary people to participate and profit from very expensive premium assets. Now, the quantification trading of Digital Rights Asset solves this barrier, making it possible for the masses to access high-value assets with small investments. Digital Rights Asset allows everyone to equally enjoy high-quality social wealth.

During times of social unrest and financial crisis, it is challenging for ordinary people to find good channels to ensure the value preservation of their existing assets. The digital token DR of Digital Rights Asset can be exchanged for all asset tokens quantified and traded on the public chain of Digital Rights Asset. Holding DR is akin to having the option to own all digital equity assets, ensuring the free conversion of assets in any situation, thus giving people the initiative to preserve asset value.

In summary, the technological innovation and value philosophy of Digital Rights Asset, aimed at achieving a more inclusive economic model, demonstrate its advancement and trend-setting nature. This may become the long-awaited killer application in the blockchain field that popularizes blockchain to the masses, truly opening the door to commercial applications of blockchain.

Hotcoin to Launch Bityuan (BTY) Trading on July 14 at 14:00


According to the official Hotcoin announcement, BTY/USDT trading will open on July 14, 2024, at 14:00 (UTC+8). BTY deposits and withdrawals will open on July 14 at 10:00 (UTC+8).

BitYuan (BTY) is a public blockchain compatible with EVM and features a parallel chain architecture. It also integrates AI applications. Its mainnet supports data sharding and increases the system’s TPS as the number of nodes grows. Developers can directly migrate ETH dapp code and have greater freedom to customize parallel chains, making it a flexible and high-performance blockchain network.

Latest news on Phecda official public chain ecological consensus verification protocol

Introduction to Phecda Blockchain Phecda is a blockchain system based on the DPOS (Delegated Proof of Stake) consensus algorithm and is designed to achieve high availability, high throughput and high security. The Phecda blockchain improves the efficiency and performance of the system by electing representatives to verify transactions and generate new blocks.

Exchange online time: 2024.07.10 18:00 (UTC+8)

Listed exchange: Hotcoin

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Currency oracle machine ecology: Phecda Oracle machine

Key Features: (High Availability) Phecda blockchain adopts a distributed architecture, distributing nodes in multiple geographical locations to ensure that even if some nodes fail, the system can still operate normally. Representative nodes are elected through the DPOS algorithm to verify transactions and generate blocks, improving the availability of the system.

High throughput: The DPOS algorithm has a high degree of parallelism and can process multiple transactions at the same time, thus improving the throughput of the system. The representative nodes generate new blocks by taking turns to generate blocks, which effectively reduces the time for block generation and improves the speed of transaction processing.

High security: The Phecda blockchain has a high degree of security. Representative nodes are elected and they are responsible for verifying transactions and protecting network security. The voting mechanism and punishment mechanism are used to ensure the honesty and responsibility of representative nodes and prevent malicious behaviors and attacks.

Democratic governance: The Phecda blockchain adopts a democratic governance mechanism, and currency holders can participate in the decision-making and development of the network by voting for representative nodes. This democratized governance mechanism can enhance community participation and network stability.

Application scenarios: (Financial field) Phecda blockchain can be used to build efficient payment systems, digital asset trading platforms and smart contract platforms to provide fast and secure financial services.

Supply chain management: Phecda blockchain can be used to establish a transparent and efficient supply chain management system to realize supply chain traceability and supervision.

Voting and elections: Phecda blockchain can be used to implement secure and transparent online voting and election systems to ensure the fairness and security of the election process.

Solve the problem: In the era of AI and big data, the throughput of many chains is very low, resulting in untimely transactions and lagging performance. The dividends brought by high throughput are the value of the Phecda chain. Phecda is solving the bottleneck caused by throughput. and dependence.

Summary: Phecda blockchain is a high-availability, high-throughput, and high-security blockchain system based on the DPOS consensus algorithm. Through the DPOS algorithm and democratic governance mechanism, Phecda provides reliable blockchain solutions for various fields and promotes the development and application of blockchain technology.

Technology path: 10,000-level throughput/second–>100,000-level throughput/second->1 million-level throughput/second->100 million-level throughput/second

Ecological path: public chain->browser->cross-chain bridge->decentralized exchange->million WEB3 ecology

Support path: Technical documentation support->Excellent contract GAS rebate->Global WEB3 Innovation Competition

As blockchain technology gradually matures and the Web 3.0 era arrives, the interactive data on the chain is growing rapidly and is facing huge challenges. The top 20 public chain projects by market value change frequently, and the trend of differentiated competition among emerging public chains is gradually emerging. Differentiated competition is mainly reflected in breakthroughs in three aspects: consensus mechanism, programmability and scalability. For a new public chain, as long as it can achieve breakthroughs in these three aspects, it can meet the needs of more vertical applications and meet the needs of the incremental market. As Vitalik Buterin said on Twitter: “multi-chain”, the future is an era of multi-chain compatibility. In the Web3.0 era, public chains serve as the infrastructure and operating system of Web3.0. A good public chain and a valuable public chain should be decentralized, scalable, secure, interoperable, and developer-friendly. nature, sound ecological and economic systems and effective governance mechanisms. Such a public chain can provide users and developers with stable, secure, and efficient blockchain infrastructure and promote the widespread application and development of blockchain technology. Phecda is a blockchain system based on the DPOS (Delegated Proof of Stake) consensus algorithm and is designed to achieve high availability, high throughput and high security. The Phecda blockchain improves the efficiency and performance of the system by electing representatives to verify transactions and generate new blocks. Phecda adopts a new hybrid consensus mechanism of POS+DPOS+EPOS to ensure the fairness, transparency and security of the public chain. Users can freely participate in the governance and decision-making of the public chain, thereby achieving decentralized autonomy. Phecda can achieve 10,000+ TPS, block generation in 3 seconds and the lowest fees. Utilizing the modular underlying design of the current new public chain, the deployment of ecological applications and smart contracts can be adaptively compatible during system operation. Each module of the public chain can be upgraded independently without affecting the operation of the system, solving some current public problems. It has become a more efficient, stable and secure public chain system. Phecda’s new hybrid consensus algorithm has greatly improved the transaction speed and capacity of the blockchain. Users can enjoy high-speed transactions while significantly reducing transaction fees. TPoS works with an improved Byzantine fault-tolerant algorithm to deal with unreliability and malicious behavior between nodes to ensure the security and consistency of the system. Phecda achieves better compatibility in terms of cross-chain security and operating costs, and can effectively solve the problems of current DApp projects on multi-chains such as inability to synchronize status and liquidity fragmentation. The first cross-chain product it launched, PCDBridge, also caused quite a stir in the industry. In the era of multi-chain coexistence, cross-chain is an urgent need in the future and has a large potential market share. As a protocol that achieves better compatibility in terms of cross-chain security and operating costs, Phecda will surely occupy a leading position in the encryption market. own place. Phecda nodes adopt a distributed architecture, distributing nodes in multiple geographical locations to ensure that even if some nodes fail, the system can still operate normally. The DPOS algorithm is used to elect representative nodes to verify transactions and generate blocks, improving the availability of the system. Phecda’s team is all doctoral students from prestigious universities, or highly sophisticated talents with many years of work experience in the world’s top 500 companies. In order to pursue the ultimate performance, the team works in the block It has been continuously researching and developing blockchain technology for 7 years, and has made epoch-making breakthroughs in consensus mechanisms, data storage, private key management, asset cross-chain and other aspects. Currently, it has obtained more than 60 international blockchain patents. Having high throughput, low fees, a smart contract platform, and cross-chain interoperability are not enough to make a public chain a valuable public chain. The most important thing is that the public chain should be able to meet the actual needs of the market, provide solutions for vertical industries, and integrate the needs of the incremental market. The application scenarios of the public chain and the professionalism in vertical fields will become the key factors for the success of the public chain. Whether it is finance, AI, supply chain, Internet of Things, games, social networking, metaverse or other fields, the public chain should be able to provide specific solutions and achieve real implementation and commercial applications in these fields. Phecda Chain relies on powerful The foundation supports cooperation with multiple communities, giving public chain governance authority to the community, and supporting community development in terms of ecological construction. The hot currency exchange will be launched in July 2024. In the future, it will be launched on multiple well-known centralized exchanges. Through secondary The injection of market funds has allowed Phecda’s market value to continue to rise, achieving its goal of entering the top 10 in the world within two years.

The X-Mars Project, a vertical field artificial intelligence application research program for OpenAI API led by OpenAI investment, has arrived

The launch of ChatGPT is a watershed for the development of artificial intelligence. After its release on November 30, 2022, it has set off a storm on the Internet, and the number of users has exceeded 1 million in just five days. As of December 2023, ChatGPT has approximately 180 million users.

ChatGPT generates an average of 1.7 billion website views per month.


It is expected that ChatGPT will generate $1 billion in revenue in 2024.


At the beginning of 2023, ChatGPT became a global focus with its astonishing user growth rate, with the number of users exceeding 100 million in just two months. However, over time, this growth momentum seems to have slowed down. The latest data shows that ChatGPT’s growth in traffic has stagnated in the past year。


In fact, in the past year, the growth point of AI may have shifted to other fields.

With the emergence of AI startups like mushrooms after rain, the application scenarios of AI are constantly being segmented – providing better user interface options (such as IDEs and image/file editors), better native integration, stronger privacy and enterprise protection, and more detailed control permissions (the default RAG configuration of GPTs is too simple and cannot be adjusted).

It can be found that there are two ways for AI to make profits: “bundling” and “unbinding” AI capabilities.

Specifically, companies led by OpenAI win by bundling the capabilities representing General Artificial Intelligence (AGI), while startups can leverage OpenAI’s APIs to build their own applications and benefit from them.

OpenAI has achieved success in bundling AGI capabilities, but also faces pressure from vertical startups to unbind. For example, Klarna integrated ChatGPT into its application, demonstrating the influence of OpenAI API in the vertical field. But it also affects the traffic data of OpenAI.

Therefore, OpenAI responds to the demand for verticalization: instead of leaving the platform and subscribing to services everywhere, it is better to stay at ChatGPT and make a one-time payment, allowing OpenAI to distribute revenue to GPT creators. However, GPT creators have also found new ways to make profits: only releasing “lightweight” products in ChatGPT as a means of attracting traffic to the main platform.

The X-Mars program will integrate ChatGPT into the Mars AI public chain and build intelligent products to help ChatGPT attract more comprehensive data and facilitate the rapid application and landing of ChatGPT products.


What is the X-Mars program?

The X-Mars program was developed by Microsoft OpenAI、Coin WIN、 Coin Capital leads the investment in the Advanced Artificial Intelligence Application Research Program established by Hong Kong Artificial Intelligence and Data Laboratory (HKAI LAB), OpenAI CEO Sam Altman, OpenAI co-founder Greg Brockman, and other former OpenAI members. Sam and Greg are the leaders of the program.

The X-Mars program uses Web3 technology and blockchain to authenticate, manage, learn data, and develop applications for artificial intelligence, creating an AI exclusive network with AI learning capabilities – the Mars AI public chain. The Mars AI public chain has obtained authorization for payment licenses, OpenAI operation rights, and brand rights in the United States. Based on authorization, the X-Mars program integrates ChatGPT into the Mars AI public chain, combines artificial intelligence learning network modules to build diversified vertical domain ecological products, and develops based on the ETH two-layer network to help ChatGPT more comprehensively attract data, facilitate the rapid landing of GPT-4 applications, promote the rapid iteration and update of ChatGPT products, help people improve work efficiency, and promote rapid economic development.

What will the X-Mars program do?

The X-Mars program will integrate with ChatGPT, integrate ChatGPT into the Mars AI public chain, build wallets, intelligent applications, intelligent electronic devices, and other products based on artificial intelligence learning network modules, and launch intelligent products of OpenAI API in the vertical field, showcasing the influence of OpenAI API in the vertical field. This not only helps ChatGPT to more comprehensively attract data, but also lays a solid foundation for the development of the program.

In Phase 1.0, the X-Mars program will fully integrate the API of ChatGPT, combine blockchain technology and Web3 technology, and launch a new economic model using Xcoin tokens and smart electronic devices as carriers. It will attract users through sales of smart electronic devices and pledge mining incentives.

In the early stage, the X-Mars program will pre-sale two smart electronic devices, the X-watch and the foldable AI phone.

Smart AI Watch: X-watch

X-wach formed and developed an intelligent AI watch called “Personal Health Big Language Model” for the X-Mars project team. Emphasis is placed on the research, learning, and reasoning of human physiological and behavioral data, such as the user’s exercise time and patterns, sleep time, and toilet time, all of which are learned and recorded. For example, if you choose to do a 1-hour morning run in the morning and a 1-hour equipment training in the evening, the AI watch will infer your need for fat loss or muscle gain based on the calories burned and the duration of each exercise, in order to design a more suitable nutritional diet for you. Meanwhile, after learning to analyze your life data, X-wach can quickly identify anomalies from the data and provide problem analysis once problems are discovered.

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●X-wach functional features

Folding AI Phone

We have launched the latest series of foldable AI phones, providing users with personalized agents by embedding AI models and optimizing user interaction through AI to enhance the user experience.

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Intelligent AI folding phone

Intelligent AI mobile phone

Folding AI phones have multiple functions and advantages

● Function:

One sentence video editing: Users can generate short stories by describing one sentence;

Text summary generation: In work, voice conference content can generate real-time summary summaries.

Translate: Supports voice communication translation for different countries, providing valuable assistance for users who communicate across different languages.

AI photography: Through the AI lens, it can help real-time self correction and facial expression management under the camera, making the photos taken full of confidence.


Personalization: Through AI, users can learn their preferences and habits, bringing a more personalized device experience.

Efficiency: Through AI, tasks can be automated and device performance can be optimized, saving time and extending battery life.

Innovation: Enhancing AI functionality brings users a brand new experience, helping them save time and improve work and life efficiency.

Users participating in the pre-sale subscription of X-Mars intelligent electronic devices can not only receive exquisite smartwatches or phones, enjoy a smart and convenient life, but also earn AI token Xcoin dividends through device mining.

With the development of the ecosystem, the X-Mars program will also launch a feature rich and secure encrypted wallet: the X-Mars Wallet, which can be applied to various artificial intelligence applications such as AI digital humans, AI education, AI creation, AI chat, AI music, as well as a variety of intelligent electronic devices to better help people improve work efficiency and promote rapid economic development.

Support for the X-Mars program

Firstly, the X-Mars program was awarded by Microsoft OpenAI、Coin WIN、 The investment of Binsheng Capital not only benefits Microsoft, but also OpenAI、Coin WIN、 Binsheng Capital provides funding, technical and other resource support, as well as MSB payment license support provided by Coin WIN, as well as secure, compliant, and professional asset trading and management services.

Secondly, the X-Mars program is an advanced artificial intelligence application research program established by Hong Kong Artificial Intelligence and Data Laboratory (HKAI LAB), OpenAI CEO Sam Altman, OpenAI co-founder Greg Brockman, and other former OpenAI members. Not only can it obtain the strategic thinking layout and top-notch technical support of the top circle of OpenAI members, but it can also obtain the operating and brand rights authorized by OpenAI.

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At the same time, the X-Mars program has also reached strategic partnerships with institutions such as Apple, PWC, Reddit, Amazon, and Zalando. Through multi-party cooperation and resource integration, it allows a wide range of investors to easily use artificial intelligence products and enjoy the dividends brought by the combination of AI intelligence and finance.

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With the support of multiple investment research institutions and strategic partners, the X-Mars program will stand out in the competition through the strategic vision of the top circles in the industry, top-notch technical support, comprehensive AI application layout, and excellent user experience. By continuously attracting GPT creators and users through multiple benefits and new user experiences, the X-Mars program can not only help ChatGPT to more comprehensively attract data, assist in the rapid implementation of GPT-4 applications, promote the rapid iteration and update of ChatGPT products, expand the vertical influence of OpenAI API, but also quickly capture market share and become a unicorn in the AI field.

Join the X-Mars program and embark on a smart and convenient new life!